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The Activator Method, 2nd Edition

Author :
Arlan W. Fuhr
Date of Publication: 01/2008
From basic scan protocols to advanced assessment procedures, THE ACTIVATOR METHOD, 2nd Edition discusses the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) in an easy-to-understand, how-to approach. This updated 2nd edition covers all aspects of the ...view more
From basic scan protocols to advanced assessment procedures, THE ACTIVATOR METHOD, 2nd Edition discusses the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) in an easy-to-understand, how-to approach. This updated 2nd edition covers all aspects of the controlled low-force analytical and adjusting system, from the history of the technique to in-depth examinations of body structures. It also features expanded content on supportive subjects from seven new contributors, discussing topics such as activator and instrument adjusting history, instrument reliability in the literature, the neurology of pain and inflammation, temporal mandibular disorders, and leg length reactivity.
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From basic scan protocols to advanced assessment procedures, THE ACTIVATOR METHOD, 2nd Edition discusses the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) in an easy-to-understand, how-to approach. This updated 2nd edition covers all aspects of the controlled low-force analytical and adjusting system, from the history of the technique to in-depth examinations of body structures. It also features expanded content on supportive subjects from seven new contributors, discussing topics such as activator and instrument adjusting history, instrument reliability in the literature, the neurology of pain and inflammation, temporal mandibular disorders, and leg length reactivity.

New to this edition
  • Appendix: Activator Quick Notes for Basic and Advanced Protocol provides at-a-glance reviews of important points and things to remember when performing basic and advanced protocols.
  • A new chapter on leg length analysis procedures offers comprehensive coverage of this critical step in using the Activator Method.
  • Seven new contributors bring fresh insight to AMCT.

Key Features
  • UNIQUE! As the only Activator Method textbook in the field, it is known as the standard reference in Activator.
  • Expert author, Dr. Arlan Fuhr, is a co-founder of the AMCT, bringing his unparalleled expertise to the subject.
  • Brand new full-color photos detail assessment procedures, specific anatomical contact points, and lines of drive to clearly show procedures for easier learning.
  • Clinical Observations boxes share the author’s knowledge from years of experience and provide tips on analysis of certain conditions and suggestions for atypical cases.
  • Summary tables in each clinical chapter allow you to quickly access pertinent information.
  • Step-by-step instruction throughout the Instrumentation section helps you understand the principles of the technique.

Author Information
By Arlan W. Fuhr, DC, President, National Institute of Chiropractic Research; Senior Member, International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine and Co-Founder and CEO, Activator Methods, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA