By Nicholas J. Talley, MD (NSW), PhD (Syd), MMedSci (Clin Epi)(Newc.), FAHMS, FRACP, FAFPHM, FRCP, FACP, AC, MD, PhD, FRACP, FAFPHM, FRCP (Lond.), FRCP (Edin.), FACP, FAHMS Laureate Professor, University of Newcastle and Senior Staff Specialist, John Hunter Hospital, NSW, Australia and Simon O’Connor, FRACP DDU FCSANZ, FRACP, DDU, FCSANZ Cardiologist, Canberra Hospital, Canberra, ACT, Australia
The General Principles of History Taking and Physical Examination
Chapter 1: The general principles of history taking Chapter 2: Advanced history taking Chapter 3: The general principles of physical examination Chapter 4: The cardiovascular history Chapter 5: The cardiac examination Chapter 6: The limb examination and peripheral vascular disease Chapter 7: Correlation of physical signs disease and cardiovascular disease Chapter 8: A summary of the cardiovascular examination and extending the cardiovascular examination Chapter 9: The respiratory history Chapter 10: The respiratory examination Chapter 11: Correlation of physical signs and respiratory disease Chapter 12: A summary of the respiratory examination and extending the respiratory examination Chapter 13: The gastrointestinal history Chapter 14: The gastrointestinal examination Chapter 15: Correlation of physical signs and gastrointestinal disease Chapter 16: A summary of the gastrointestinal examination and extending the gastrointestinal examination Chapter 17: The genitourinary history Chapter 18: The genitourinary examination Chapter 19: A summary of the examination of chronic kidney disease and extending the genitourinary examination Chapter 20: The haematological history Chapter 21: The haematogical examination Chapter 22: A summary of the haematological examination and extending the haematological examination Chapter 23: The rheumatological history Chapter 24: The rheumatological examination Chapter 25: Correlation of physical signs with rheumatological and musculoskeletal disease Chapter 26: A summary of the rheumatological examination and extending the rheumatological examination Chapter 27: The endocrine history Chapter 28: The endocrine examination Chapter 29: Correlation of physical signs and endocrine disease Chapter 30: A summary of the endocrine examination and extending the endocrine examination Chapter 31: The neurological history Chapter 32: The neurological examination: general signs and the cranial nerves Chapter 33: The neurological examination: speech and higher centres Chapter 34: The neurological examination: the peripheral nervous system Chapter 35: Correlation of physical signs and neurological syndromes and disease Chapter 36: A summary of the neurological examination and extending the neurological examination
Volume Two
Chapter 37: The paediatric history and examination Chapter 38: The neonatal history and examination Chapter 39: The obstetric history and examination Chapter 40: The gynaecological history and examination Chapter 41: The breasts: history and examination Chapter 42: The eyes, ears, nose and throat Chapter 43: The skin and lumps Chapter 44: The geriatric patient assessment Chapter 45: Approaching infectious diseases Chapter 46: The psychihatric history and mental state examination Chapter 47: The acutely ill patient Chapter 48: The pre-anaesthetic medical evaluation (PAME) Chapter 49: Assessment of death Chapter 50: Writing and presenting the adult history and physical examination Chapter 51: A suggested method for a rapid screening adult physical examination