Gabrielle Koutoukidis & Gabby Koutoukidis & Kate Stainton & Jodie Hughson & Rita Funnell & Karen Lawrence
Date of Publication: 11/2011
A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition ...view more
A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition reflects the changes and challenges in contemporary enrolled nurse practice as well as the additions and modifications that are occurring in nursing curricula. Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice 5th edition has been written, reviewed and edited by the people who educate the enrolled nurse and continues to provide enrolled nurse students with the most comprehensive resource available.
A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition reflects the changes and challenges in contemporary enrolled nurse practice as well as the additions and modifications that are occurring in nursing curricula. Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice 5th edition has been written, reviewed and edited by the people who educate the enrolled nurse and continues to provide enrolled nurse students with the most comprehensive resource available.
Author Information
By Gabby Koutoukidis, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), MACN, International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Candidate EdD (Research), Associate Director, Health & Community Care, Chisholm Institute, Melbourne, Victoria; Jodie Hughson, MPH, Grad Cert (Health Promotion), RN, Cert IV TAE, Quality and Risk Manager, Healthcare Australia, QLD, Australia; Rita Funnell, Health Services Unit, Victoria University of Technology, VIC, Australia; Karen Lawrence, Acute Care Lecturer, Victoria University of Technology, VIC, Australia; Gabrielle Koutoukidis, EdD (Research), MPH, BN (Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), AdvDipN(Ed), DipBus, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Dean, Faculty Health Science, Community & Social Studies, Holmesglen, Melbourne, Victoria, Australianity Studies, Holmesglen, Melbourne, Victoria; Kate Stainton, MA HlthSci(Nurs), GDipNurs(ed), BN(Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), Cert IV TAE, MACN, Strategy & Innovation Consultant, BaptistCare, NSW, Australia and Sessional Academic, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia's Nursing Care - E-Book & Midwifery/General Nursing/Nursing & Midwifery/Adult Nursing/eBooks100851010252550401745498915145120A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition reflects the changes and challenges in contemporary enrolled nurse practice as well as the additions and modifications that are occurring in nursing curricula. Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice 5th edition has been written, reviewed and edited by the people who educate the enrolled nurse and continues to provide enrolled nurse students with the most comprehensive resource available. A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition reflects the changes and challenges in contemporary enrolled nurse practice as well as the additions and modifications that are occurring in nursing curricula. Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice 5th edition has been written, reviewed and edited by the people who educate the enrolled nurse and continues to provide enrolled nurse students with the most comprehensive resource available.00add-to-cart97807295785782011 and earlierProfessionalBy Gabby Koutoukidis, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), MACN, International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Candidate EdD (Research), Jodie Hughson, MPH, Grad Cert (Health Promotion), RN, Cert IV TAE, Rita Funnell, Karen Lawrence, Gabrielle Koutoukidis, EdD (Research), MPH, BN (Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), AdvDipN(Ed), DipBus, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow and Kate Stainton, MA HlthSci(Nurs), GDipNurs(ed), BN(Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), Cert IV TAE, MACN20105E-BookChurchill Livingstone Australia12 Nov 2011IN STOCKBy <STRONG>Gabby Koutoukidis</STRONG>, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), MACN, International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Candidate EdD (Research), Associate Director, Health & Community Care, Chisholm Institute, Melbourne, Victoria; <STRONG>Jodie Hughson</STRONG>, MPH, Grad Cert (Health Promotion), RN, Cert IV TAE, Quality and Risk Manager, Healthcare Australia, QLD, Australia; <STRONG>Rita Funnell</STRONG>, Health Services Unit, Victoria University of Technology, VIC, Australia; <STRONG>Karen Lawrence</STRONG>, Acute Care Lecturer, Victoria University of Technology, VIC, Australia; <STRONG>Gabrielle Koutoukidis</STRONG>, EdD (Research), MPH, BN (Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), AdvDipN(Ed), DipBus, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Dean, Faculty Health Science, Community & Social Studies, Holmesglen, Melbourne, Victoria, Australianity Studies, Holmesglen, Melbourne, Victoria; <STRONG>Kate Stainton</STRONG>, MA HlthSci(Nurs), GDipNurs(ed), BN(Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), Cert IV TAE, MACN, Strategy & Innovation Consultant, BaptistCare, NSW, Australia and Sessional Academic, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Newcastle, NSW, AustraliaeBooksNoNoNoNoPlease SelectPlease SelectPlease Select