Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 9th Edition
History and Examination
Author :
Mark H. Swartz
Date of Publication: 04/2025
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Offering a compassionate, humanistic approach in this critical area, Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition, helps you master each aspect of the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. This highly regarded text clearl ...view more
Offering a compassionate, humanistic approach in this critical area, Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition, helps you master each aspect of the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why clinical competence in this area is essential for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes.
Offering a compassionate, humanistic approach in this critical area, Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition, helps you master each aspect of the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why clinical competence in this area is essential for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes.
Key Features
Offers fully revised content throughout, including clear, easy-to-understand explanations of interviewing and examination techniques, clinical presentations, pathophysiology, complementary and alternative medicine, and physical diagnosis standards and tests
Includes three new chapters: The Transgender Patient; Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Encounters: Opportunities and Challenges; and Telehealth: Adapting Clinical Assessment
Explores how cultural differences can influence communication, diet, family relationships, and health practices and beliefs—which may affect your approach to a patient’s treatment
Features hundreds of high-quality color images, an easy-to-use design, and detailed descriptions of practical techniques throughout
Contains new end-of-chapter review questions in most chapters.
Highlights clinical ethics and professionalism
Includes more than 6 hours of in-depth instruction, with 40+ updated videos featuring step-by-step aspects of the physical examination for adults, toddlers, and newborns, important interviewing scenarios, and audio of heart and lung sounds
Features online appendices covering English-to-Spanish Translations Useful in the Medicine Setting, Commonly Misused Substances, Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency States, and more
An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud
Evolve Instructor site with an image collection and videos is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at https://evolve.elsevier.com.
Author Information
By Mark H. Swartz, MD, FACP, Professor of Medicine, State University of New York (SUNY), Downstate College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York; Professor of Medical Sciences, New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York, New York and Director, C3NY--Clinical Competence Center of New York, New York, NY, USA
SECTION 1 Mastering the Art of Interviewing 1 The Interviewer’s Questions Basic Principles Using an Interpreter Important Interviewing Concepts Symptoms and Signs Conducting an Interview Basic Interviewing Techniques Format of the History Taking Notes Concluding Thoughts 2 The Patient’s Responses Responses to Illness Responses to the Interviewer Influence of Background and Age on Patient Response Influence of Disease on Patient Response 3 Understanding Complementary and Alternative Medicine General Considerations Classifications of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Concluding Thoughts 4 Putting the History Together Interview of Mr. John Doe Written History of Mr. John Doe Summary
SECTION 2 Valuing Diversity: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity 5 Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Clinical Skills Introduction How to Use This Chapter Before the Clinical Encounter (Pre-Visit Preparation) During the Clinical Encounter After the Clinical Encounter Discriminatory Behavior from Patients or Caregivers Conclusion Acknowledgments
SECTION 3 Understanding the Science of the Physical Examination 6 The Physical Examination The Approach Preparation for the Examination Healthcare Infection Prevention Practices Goal of the Physical Examination Summary 7 Assessment of Nutritional Status Medical History Physical Examination Special Populations Clinicopathologic Correlations 8 The Skin General Considerations Structure and Physiologic Characteristics Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Skin Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Description of Lesions Clinicopathologic Correlations 9 The Head and Neck General Considerations Structure and Physiology Effect of Head and Neck Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations 10 The Eye Historical and General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Blindness on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Video 11 The Ear and Nose General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Deafness on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Video 12 The Oral Cavity and Pharynx General Considerations Structure and Physiologic Characteristics The Pharynx The Larynx Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of a Voice Disorder on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Video 13 The Chest General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Videos 14 The Heart General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Cardiac Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Videos 15 The Peripheral Vascular System General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Vascular Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Videos 16 The Breast General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Impact of Breast Disease on the Patient Physical Examination The Male Breast Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Video Structure and Physiologic Characteristics Review of Specific Symptoms Obstetric Risk Assessment Calculation of Due Date Effect of Pregnancy on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Summary 17 The Abdomen General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Full Video 18 Male Genitalia and Hernias General Considerations Structure and Physiologic Characteristics Review of Specific Symptoms Impact of Erectile Dysfunction on the Male Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Video 19 Female Genitalia General Considerations Structure and Physiologic Characteristics The OBGYN History Review of Specific Symptoms Impact of Infertility Physical Examination Preparation for the Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Full Videos 20 The Musculoskeletal System General Considerations Structure and Physiology Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Musculoskeletal Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations 21 The Nervous System General Considerations Structure and Physiologic Characteristics Review of Specific Symptoms Effect of Chronic Neurologic Disease on the Patient Physical Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations 22 Putting the Examination Together The Techniques The Written Physical Examination
SECTION 4 Evaluating Specific Patients 23 The Pregnant Patient General Considerations Gender-Inclusive Language 24 The Pediatric Patient General Considerations Pediatric History Neonatal: Under 1 Month of Age Infancy: 1 Month to 12 Months Early Childhood: 1 Year to 4 Years Middle Childhood: 5 Years to 10 Years Adolescence: 11 Years to 21 Years Clinicopathologic Correlations Sample Documentation of a Newborn’s History and Physical Exam 25 The Geriatric Patient General Considerations The Geriatric Assessment Core Components of a Comprehensive Geriatrics Assessment Goals of Care and Advance Care Preferences Structure and Physiologic Characteristics Basic Principles of Geriatric Medicine The Geriatric Examination Clinicopathologic Correlations Conclusion Acknowledgment 26 The Transgender Patient General Considerations General Evaluation Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy Trans Broken Arm Syndrome Evaluation of the Transfeminine Patient Evaluation of the Transmasculine Patient Evaluation of the Patient Stopping Care or Changing Goals Mental Health Evaluation Conclusion 27 The Acutely Ill or Injured Patient Personal Safety Approach to the Unconscious Patient Current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Guidelines C-A-B Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Survey Summary of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Guidelines for Adults, Children, and Infants Assessment of the Acutely Ill or Injured Patient The Pediatric Emergency Conclusion
SECTION 5 Putting the Data to Work 28 Precision, Accuracy, and Critical Thinking in Clinical Assessment Art, Science, and Observation Diagnostic Reasoning from Signs and Symptoms Critical Thinking The Rational Clinical Examination 29 The Clinical Record Putting the History and Physical Examination Together Electronic Medical Record and Electronic Health Record Protecting Patient’s Right to Privacy 30 The Focused History and Physical Examination General Considerations Illustrative Case Diagnostic Evaluation 31 Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Encounters: Opportunities and Challenges General Considerations History Taking Challenges Ethical Considerations Conclusions Disclaimer 32 Telehealth: Adapting Clinical Assessment Introduction Getting Started Taking the Patient’s History Webside Manner Being Present Taking the Patient’s Perspective Empathetic Listening Acknowledging Feelings Physical Exam Remote Patient Monitoring Precepting the Visit Shared Decision Making during Telehealth Visit Coordination Health Equity and Telehealth Conclusion
SECTION 6 Analyzing Ethical Issues in Clinical Medicine 33 Clinical Ethics and Professionalism Introduction Principlism Moral Philosophy: Deontology vs. Utilitarianism Casuistry Privacy and Confidentiality Informed Consent Decisional Capacity Advance Directives Surrogate Decision Making Ethical Issues at the End of Life Ethics Committees and Clinical Ethics Consultation Summary Epilogue: A Journey Through Physical Diagnosis
Appendix A: Answers to Review Questions e-Appendix B: Commonly Misused Substances e-Appendix C: Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency States e-Appendix D: Conversion Tables e-Appendix E: English-to-Spanish Translations Useful in the Medical Setting e-Appendix F: The Rational Clinical Examination: Evidence-Based Clinical Diagnosis Index
https://www.eu.elsevierhealth.com/swartz-textbook-of-physical-diagnosis-9780443235061.html323653Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosishttps://www.eu.elsevierhealth.com/media/catalog/product/9/7/9780443235061_3.jpg94.34110.99EURInStock/Medicine and Surgery/Clinical/General Medicine/Medicine and Surgery/Primary Care / General Practice/Medical Students/Medical education9850984824737961745498289849984711177Offering a <b>compassionate, humanistic approach</b> in this critical area, <i>Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition</i>, helps you master each aspect of <b>the art and science of interviewing and physical examination</b>. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why <b>clinical competence in this area is essential</b> for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes. Offering a <b>compassionate, humanistic approach</b> in this critical area, <i>Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition</i>, helps you master each aspect of <b>the art and science of interviewing and physical examination</b>. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why <b>clinical competence in this area is essential</b> for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes.00add-to-cart97804432350612025ProfessionalBy Mark H. Swartz, MD, FACP20269Book216w x 276h (8.50" x 10.875")Approx. 423 illustrations (423 in full color)Elsevier8481 Apr 2025NOT YET PUBLISHED Expected Release Date:%1By <STRONG>Mark H. Swartz</STRONG>, MD, FACP, Professor of Medicine, State University of New York (SUNY), Downstate College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York; Professor of Medical Sciences, New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York, New York and Director, C3NY--Clinical Competence Center of New York, New York, NY, USABooksNoNoNoNoPlease SelectPlease SelectPlease Select