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Edited by Nicholas Pace, FRCA FRCP PhD, Honorary Clinical Lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Glasgow and Consultant Anaesthetist, Gartnavel General Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow UK.
Section 1: Applied Science
Adaptation for life. a review of neonatal physiology
Neonatal pharmacology
Developmental paediatric anaesthetic pharmacology
Developmental anatomy of the airway
Section 2: Consent and Child Protection
Risk assessment in anaesthesia
Safeguarding for anaesthetists: working to protect children
Section 3: Preoperative Assessment
Preoperative assessment and preparation for anaesthesia in children
Associated medical conditions in children
Section 4: Perioperative Care of the Neonate, Infant and Child
The principles of paediatric anaesthesia
Principles of anaesthesia for term neonates: an updated practical guide
Special considerations in the premature and ex-premature infant
Fluid and electrolyte balance in children
Equipment and monitoring for paediatric anaesthesia
Anaesthetic implications of congenital heart disease for children undergoing non-cardiac surgery
Day surgery for children
Sedation for dental and other procedures
General anaesthesia for dentistry
Anaesthesia for elective ear, nose and throat surgery in children
Anaesthesia for paediatric eye surgery
Anaesthesia for specialist surgery in infancy
Section 5: Care of the Critically Ill Child
Resuscitation of the newborn
Aetiology and outcome of paediatric cardiopulmonary arrest
Acute and chronic airway obstruction in children
Special considerations in paediatric intensive care
Intraosseous cannulation in children
Transporting critically ill children
Transfusion guidelines for children I
Transfusion guidelines for children II
Trauma and burns in children
Section 6: The Child in Pain
Pain assessment in children
Acute pain management in the neonate
Systemic analgesics in children - update
Neuraxial anaesthesia in paediatrics
Peripheral and local anaesthetic techniques for paediatric surgery
Chronic pain in children
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