By popular request – Frank H. Netter, MD’s classic anatomy paintings on playing cards! Perfect for clinicians, medical and healthcare students, and all Netter fans!
By popular request – Frank H. Netter, MD’s classic anatomy paintings on playing cards! Perfect for clinicians, medical and healthcare students, and all Netter fans!
Key Features
Favorite illustrations from Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy on card faces – from the iconic Netter skull on the Jokers to the superficial vessels of the face on the Jacks … and on the Kings, a photo of the dapper Dr. Netter himself!
Standard 52-card deck includes classic Netter paintings plus assorted pieces by Netter successor, Carlos Machado, MD; 14 different illustrations in all. Playing Cards and Surgery/Anatomy/Flash Cards/Flash Cards/Medical Students/Medical education/Renowned Netter's Collection/Exam Prep Central9888438872652550422473796584003959241191745498284182692514512011177<P><b>By popular request</b> – Frank H. Netter, MD’s classic anatomy paintings on playing cards! Perfect for clinicians, medical and healthcare students, and all Netter fans!</P> <P><b>By popular request</b> – Frank H. Netter, MD’s classic anatomy paintings on playing cards! Perfect for clinicians, medical and healthcare students, and all Netter fans!</P>00add-to-cart97803235537972017ProfessionalBy Frank H. Netter, MD20181Flash CardsOther13 illustrations (13 in full color)Elsevier5220 Mar 2017RE-ORDERING. STOCK DUE %1By <STRONG>Frank H. Netter</STRONG>, MDFlash CardsNetter Basic ScienceNoNoNoNoPlease SelectPlease SelectPlease Select