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Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, 2nd Edition

Authors :
Robert S. Youngquist & Walter R. Threlfall
Date of Publication: 11/2006
An essential resource for both students and practitioners, this comprehensive text provides practical, up-to-date information about normal reproduction and reproductive disorders in horses, cattle, small ruminants, swine, llamas, and other livestock. ...view more
An essential resource for both students and practitioners, this comprehensive text provides practical, up-to-date information about normal reproduction and reproductive disorders in horses, cattle, small ruminants, swine, llamas, and other livestock. Featuring contributions from experts in the field, each section is devoted to a different large animal species and begins with a review of the clinically relevant aspects of the reproductive anatomy and physiology of both males and females. Key topics include the evaluation of breeding soundness, pregnancy diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment of infertility, abortion, obstetrics, surgery of the reproductive tract, care of neonates, and the latest reproductive technology.
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An essential resource for both students and practitioners, this comprehensive text provides practical, up-to-date information about normal reproduction and reproductive disorders in horses, cattle, small ruminants, swine, llamas, and other livestock. Featuring contributions from experts in the field, each section is devoted to a different large animal species and begins with a review of the clinically relevant aspects of the reproductive anatomy and physiology of both males and females. Key topics include the evaluation of breeding soundness, pregnancy diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment of infertility, abortion, obstetrics, surgery of the reproductive tract, care of neonates, and the latest reproductive technology.

New to this edition
  • Complete coverage of the most current reproductive technology, including embryo transfer, estrous synchronization, and artificial insemination.
  • A new section on alternative farming that addresses reproduction in bison, elk, and deer.
  • New to the equine section: stallion management, infertility, and breeding soundness evaluation.
  • New to the bovine section: estrous cycle synchronization, reproductive biotechnology, ultrasonographic determination of fetal gender, heifer development, and diagnosis of abortion.
  • New to the porcine section: artificial insemination, boar/stud management, diseases of postpartum period, and infectious disease control.
  • New to the llama section: infectious disease and nutrition.

Key Features
  • Includes coverage of all large animal species.
  • All sections provide a review of clinically pertinent reproductive physiology and anatomy of males and females of each species.

Author Information
By Robert S. Youngquist, DVM, Professor and Associate Chairman, University of Missouri, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbia, MO and Walter R. Threlfall, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate, The American College of Theriogenologists, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH