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Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, Volume 6 - E-Book, 1st Edition

Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, Volume 6 - E-Book
Author :
John R. August
Date of Publication: 11/2009
Completely revised and updated with 80 all-new chapters covering the most important information on current diagnostic, treatment, and preventive challenges facing feline practitioners today, Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine is an invaluable ...view more

Completely revised and updated with 80 all-new chapters covering the most important information on current diagnostic, treatment, and preventive challenges facing feline practitioners today, Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine is an invaluable addition to every small animal clinician’s library. Full-color illustrations and expert contributions help you master and apply the latest advances in feline nutrition, emerging diseases, pet overpopulation, advanced imaging, and more with a comprehensive, clinically relevant approach.

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Completely revised and updated with 80 all-new chapters covering the most important information on current diagnostic, treatment, and preventive challenges facing feline practitioners today, Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine is an invaluable addition to every small animal clinician’s library. Full-color illustrations and expert contributions help you master and apply the latest advances in feline nutrition, emerging diseases, pet overpopulation, advanced imaging, and more with a comprehensive, clinically relevant approach.

New to this edition
  • Current, evidence-based coverage reflects the latest findings and reports on pressing topics such as:
    • Upper Respiratory Tract Aspergillosis
    • Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
    • Diagnostic Imaging of the Ear
    • Cardiac Blood Tests
    • Urological Interventional Techniques

  • A new section on feline nutrition highlights the impact of nutritional considerations on feline health.
  • A dynamic full-color design, incorporating hundreds of NEW illustrations and tables, clarifies concepts and helps you interpret clinical data.

  • Key Features
  • More than 100 worldwide leaders in small animal practice provide expert insight across the full spectrum of feline internal medicine.
  • Extensive references make it easy to find additional information about specific topics most important to your practice.

  • Author Information
    By John R. August, BVetMed, MS, MRCVS, Diplomate, ACVIM, Professor of Feline Internal Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX