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ClinicalKey Allergy & Immunology

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Critical medical information you can directly apply to your Allergy & Immunology practice.
When you have complex Allergy & Immunology questions, ClinicalKey quickly gives you answers through access to a vast array of topic pages, journals, books, videos and photos by the most respected names in medicine such as: Middleton’s Allergy, Immu ...view more

When you have complex Allergy & Immunology questions, ClinicalKey quickly gives you answers through access to a vast array of topic pages, journals, books, videos and photos by the most respected names in medicine such as: Middleton’s Allergy, Immunology and Allergy Clinics & Clinical Immunology.

With ClinicalKey, you’ll have access to quick answers at the point of care alongside in-depth answers from authoritative sources, including renowned journals in your field, so you can provide the appropriate care for your patients— no matter their age or condition. Learn more about our speciality resources in the description and full content tab below.

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Why you'll love ClinicalKey

Deep Insights You Need

Your access to the most in-depth and latest advances in clinical knowledge from Elsevier’s Journals and reference books

Quick, credible answers at point of care

Quickly confirm diagnosis and treatment information

Specialized clinical content

Specialty-specific medical coverage with authoritative content for medical and surgical specialties.

ClinicalKey supports your practice with images, clinical calculators, drug information, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, and other materials rooted in current, relevant knowledge so you can make confident, informed decisions—anytime, anywhere, in any patient situation

ClinicalKey features the resources you need to keep your knowledge—and practice—current

Top Books

  • Middleton's Allergy: Principles & Practice 9e
  • Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice 5e

Top Journals

  • Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America
Featured Titles
  1. Mast Cell Disorders, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America
    Mast Cell Disorders, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America
  2. Clinical Immunology
    Clinical Immunology
  3. Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set
    Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set
Featured Titles
  1. 5% OFF Clinical Immunology Book
    Clinical Immunology

    Edited by Robert R. Rich

    Dec 2022

    Special Price €263.14 €276.99
  2. 5% OFF Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set Book
    Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set

    Edited by A Wesley Burks

    Dec 2019

    Special Price €293.54 €308.99

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Experience all ClinicalKey has to offer with Core Resources including full-text books, clinical overviews & practice guidelines authored by medical experts.

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In addition to all Core Resources, get in-depth specialty content and tools to improve your clinical practice and improve patient outcomes. ​

Extended Specialty Package

ClinicalKey offers 6 Extended Packages with all Core Resources, more journals, clinics & the books needed to master your sub-specialization within your chosen field.

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Your free trial will convert to a paid subscription after 15 days and renews automatically. See EULA.